Search for courses
myCMTN student self-service allows you to access schedules, registrations and pay tuition online. For a full list of courses available through distributed learning, please log into your account:
- Log in (click here for information about your myCMTN password and log-in)
- Student menu
- Search for sections
- Term: 2021 Fall
- Course type: Distributed Learning
Note: Courses are listed for the selected semester and you do not need to attend a campus location.
Example: A student who lives in Hazelton can register for a course even if the instructor is located in Prince Rupert.
Learn more about how to register for academic classes at Coast Mountain College.
What is distributed learning?
Distributed learning uses tools that include web-conferencing platforms, online videos, social media, textbooks, print modules, experiential tasks and many other innovative ways to engage students.
Learn more.
Contact us
We’re here to help. Contact us today to speak with someone from our support team.