Careerhub provides services for students, alumni, and employer/community partners
Welcome to Careerhub, a virtual space to foster meaningful connections within the region CMTN serves. The space offers a holistic approach to work-integrated learning, job placement and professional growth by providing resources for learners, alumni, and employer/community partners.
Our services include workshops for learners to prepare for career readiness, such as networking, cover letter and resume writing and interview preparation. We also provide one-on-one support for these activities.
If it's your first time using the Northern WIL Hub digital Job Board follow these instructions:
- Go to the Northern WIL Hub login page:
- Enter your Coast Mountain College email address.
- Create your account (enter your first name, last name, and confirm your password)
- A verification email will be sent to your email account. Access your email online via O365 Outlook webmail.
- Click on the email verification link to successfully verify your email account. You will be redirected to the Northern WIL Hub login page.
- Enter your email and login. Your sign-up is now complete!
Are you a student or graduate with questions about CMTN's new digital job board?
Or, are you a local business looking to hire a student or recent graduate?
If you would like more information about the Northern WIL Hub, contact our Centre of Learning Transformation (COLT) department: